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When stress or physical strain places extraordinary demands upon the nervous system, many people suffer from disturbance of their natural sleeping rhythm. In younger people, nerve anomalies may arise from factors such as job stress, while unrest in the elderly usually indicates organic illnesses and metabolic disorders. SOMCUPIN drops deal directly with both psychic and physical factors that can lead to sleep disturbances.

Ingredients/ Therapeutic Profiles: 

Argentum nitricum 4X treats nervous heart and stomach, mucous membrane inflammation

Aurum muriaticum 4X promotes quality sleep

Coffea 10X sleeplessness due to coffee, tea, tobacco

Staphysagri 4X halts agitated dreams, inability to sleep after 3:00 am

Zincum valerianicum 5X treats nervous insomnia

Avena sativa 1X classic sleep agent, treats nervous exhaustion

Eschscholtzia calif. 1X relaxing, sedative effect

Lactuca virosa 1X anti-spastic, sedative effect

Somcupin 50mL

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