This kit contains 20 Homeopathic multi-dose tubes of your choice in a carrying case.
The following remedies are those from the Homeopathy 1 course and they are a suggested starter kit (but you may choose your own, just contact us):
- Aconitum napellus 30CH(Acon.)
- Apis mellifica 30CH
- Arnica montana 30CH
- Arsenicum album 30CH
- Belladonna 30CH (Bell.)
- Chamomilla 30CH
- Cinchona /China 30CH
- Drosera 30CH
- Ferrum phos. 30CH (Ferr. Phos.)
- Gelsemium sempivirens 30CH
- Hepar sulph 30CH
- Ipecacuanha 30CH
- Lycopodium clavatum 30CH
- Mercurius solubus 30CH
- Nux vomica 30CH
- Phosphorus 30CH
- Pulsatilla nig. 30CH
- Rhus toxicodendron 30CH
- Silicea 30CH
- Spongia tosta 30CH
Homeopathic Kit 30CH (20 remedies in case)