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SEPTONSIL drops are an antibacterial medication developed for treatment of acute and chronic sore throat, tonsillitis and infections of the throat involving pus that make it difficult to swallow. This medication also helps reduce fever that may accompany these infections. As an analgesic, SEPTONSIL drops contain effective lymphatic medications to break up foci and ensure speedy drainage of accumulated toxins. In addition, this remedy stimulates leukocyte production and other defensive responses of the Mesenchyme and promotes more efficient excretion of toxic metabolic waste products.

Ingredients/ Therapeutic Profiles:

Ailanthus glandulosa 3X severe tonsil infections

Baryta carbonica 8X recurrent sore throat

Belladona 4X inflamed throat and tonsils

Lachesis mutus 8X septic blood conditions, tonsillitis

Phytolacca decandra 4X illnesses of tonsillar ring

Clematis erecta 1X stimulates lymphatic system

Echinacea angustifolia 1X immune stimulant, bacterial infections

Teucrium scorodonia 1X chronic lymphatic infections

Septonsil 50mL

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