apo-STOM drops detoxify the stomach and intestinal tissues. This medication is indicated for treating symptoms that include overacidity of the stomach, gastritis, stomach pressure, burning sensations, feeling of fullness and nervous sensations.
The stomach is considered extremely susceptible to psychosomatic stimuli, as well as mental or emotional stress that can result in functional impairment. This dysfunction must be treated synergystically, which is the reason for the unique combination of ingredients found in apo-STOM drops, including components that address overacidity by regulating the parietal cells.
Ingredients/ Therapeutic Profiles:
Antimon crudum 8X gastritis, intestinal spasms
Belladona 4X gastroenteritis
Colchicum autumnale 6X burning sensation, nausea
Colocynthis 4X colic, bloating
Natrium phosphoricum 4X diarrhea, heartburn
Nux vomica 4X stomach irritation, chronic gastritis
Robinia pseudacacia 6X stomach overacidity
Millefolium 1X digestive tract function, cramps
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